4 Things You Should Definitely Share With Your OBGYN During Pregnancy

Becoming pregnant is one of the most exciting things that can happen to you. Yet amidst the excitement of preparing the baby's room and choosing names, there's also the responsibility of making sure that you and the baby stay healthy during this time. That's where your OBGYN comes in. To ensure that your OBGYN can do their job as well as possible, make sure you share these things if they come up.

1. Whether you smoke.

It's no secret that smoking during pregnancy is not healthy for the baby. Many women who smoke are embarrassed or afraid to tell their OBGYN, but you shouldn't be. If you're honest with your OBGYN, they can recommend better tactics to help you quit. They may know of specific support groups or new treatment options you can try. And if you're not perfect about quitting during pregnancy, they will at least know to monitor your baby more closely for slow growth and problems that are more common with smoking moms.

2. If you're feeling depressed or anxious.

Almost every mom-to-be gets a little moody from time to time during her pregnancy. That's really nothing to worry about. But if your pregnancy has you feeling overly depressed or anxious, definitely bring it up. There are some anti-depressants that are safe to take during pregnancy, and your OBGYN can prescribe one — even if it's just needed for a few months. 

3. If you travel.

If you travel, whether for work or for pleasure, and you plan on continuing to do so during pregnancy, that is something your doctor needs to know. Some illnesses that specifically affect pregnant women, like the Zika virus, are common in certain areas outside the U.S. Your doctor may give you specific precautions to take in foreign countries in order to avoid the sicknesses that you're at risk for there. They will also keep a close eye on you and let you know when it's no longer safe for you to fly.

4. If you've had miscarriages in the past.

If you have had miscarriages before, make sure that you share the details and approximate dates of those miscarriages with your OBGYN. Even if you just had a suspected early miscarriage and never sought medical attention, that's something to mention. Women who have had miscarriages should be watched more closely during pregnancy, so your OBGYN may want to schedule more frequent visits to keep an eye on things. 

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Getting Help for Uterine Fibroids

Do you experience heavy periods? Perhaps, you’ve noticed that your periods are getting worse each month. If you can relate to this situation, consider making an appointment with an experienced OBGYN as soon as possible. Uterine fibroids are one of the numerous causes of heavy periods. If your OBGYN determines you have them, this medical professional might recommend you undergo a surgical procedure to remove them. If you don’t plan to have any more children, your OBGYN may suggest you take a medicine created to shrink uterine fibroids. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most effective treatments for uterine fibroids. Enjoy!



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